algoXDream specializes in technology and scientific consulting. The focus lies specifically on information
technologies and its application in the field of video detection systems, data analysis, prediction models and
The application of intelligent software to optimize processes is possible in nearly all sectors of industry and business. While in some of these sectors modern computer algorithms are already well established to manage daily tasks and solve technical problems, there are still many fields of application where the efficient use of smart computer algorithms, especially in the fields computer vison and machine learning, is not trivial. In many of these cases, ready-made software tools are not suitable or available.
At algoXDream we offer optimized algorithms or individual solutions and provide the scientific research
that you require to succeed.
Let us know how we can help you achieve your vision.
Contact us at and tell us about your project."If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it."
- Albert Einstein -